Ever heard of an elephant that weighs only one ounce and measures less than five inches in length? Not likely! But a certain short-eared mammal with a long snout resembling a pachyderm is identified in the animal kingdom as an “elephant shrew.” Neither an elephant nor a shrew, this small fellow lives in the sandy soils and dry grasses of Southern Africa and dines on plants and ants! Long thought to be extinct, scientists have only recently been able to lure an elephant shrew out of hiding to confirm that this snouted critter is thriving! Discover more facts about an unusual animal rarely seen in a zoo!
In this issue students will:
- read informational text about the elephant shrew
- understand the origin of the animal’s name
- estimate weight using comparison objects
- discover the habitat, eating habits, and other characteristics of the elephant shrew
- edit written text
- use the newspaper to hunt for two-consonant blend words
- create a critter from newspaper clippings
- spell grade level appropriate words correctly using a set of given letters
- write creatively about the animal most like you!
7 page PDF