Mother’s Day Gift

What mother would not love this charming May basket as a gift? May 8th is Mother’s Day, but a gift of this basket would please anytime. You will need: 12 x 12 piece of scrapbook paper scissors pencil string tape … Continue reading
Fish Mobile

Most of us have some bubble wrap stashed away in a cupboard. Here’s a clever idea from The Imagination Tree to print with it to create the scales for a fish mobile. You only need a little paint so as … Continue reading
Leprechaun Stick Puppet

Children will have lots of fun with this leprechaun stick puppet from IHeartCraftyThings. Maybe they can come up with leprechaun voices too. You’ll need colored paper in green, orange, black and yellow, a craft stick and a paper plate and … Continue reading
Watercolor and Salt Snowflakes

Here’s a great craft to do with your kids, described by a teacher in simple step-by-step sections. You’ll need: Construction paper Pencil White glue Salt Watercolors—mixed in separate bowls Eyedroppers or brushes (the site suggests pipettes but a brush will … Continue reading
Christmas Tree from Recycled Fabric
From a site called Fireflies & Mud Pies comes a great way to make a Christmas tree ornament with your children using ribbon or scraps of fabric. It could also help them learn how to tie knots for their shoe … Continue reading
Thanksgiving Chain
Here’s a wonderful craft you can start at the beginning of November and then display at your Thanksgiving dinner. It’s simple and it engages all the family. First take construction papers in different colors and cut into even strips. Each … Continue reading
Robot Costume
Among several very creative October projects here, there’s a clever idea for a robot costume—one that doesn’t involve your child wearing a box. Detailed instructions and a whole bunch of photos show the costume and how to create it complete … Continue reading
Animal Leaf Marks

These clever leaf masks come from BABYCCINO for kids. The trick is to find the large autumn leaves that are big enough to make a mask. It helps if they have stalks, too. You will need: A selection of large … Continue reading
Tissue Paper Sparklers

From One Little Project comes an easy craft to make paper sparklers. With children running around on the Fourth, this is a lot safer than real sparklers and can also be used as a centerpiece for your holiday table. Continue reading
Hand Fan from colored paper and cardboard

This beautiful fan may take some time to make but the end result is quite lovely. The site Simple Crafts Ideas has not only step-by-step photographs but also, if you scroll down, a video showing you exactly how it comes … Continue reading