
Christmas Tree from Recycled Fabric

From a site called Fireflies & Mud Pies comes a great way to make a Christmas tree ornament with your children using ribbon or scraps of fabric. It could also help them learn how to tie knots for their shoe laces.

You can vary the colors or use all green. You can use lengths of ribbon or recycle fabric such as old shirts or tablecloths.

You will need:

  • Fabric remnants or ribbon
  • Cinnamon sticks—at least 6inches long
  • Button or bead for the top ornament
  • Glue gun
  • Twine
  • Scissors

The website has step by step instructions with illustrations and the glue gun is needed to add the twine for hanging the ornament and attaching the bead at the top of the tree.

This makes a perfect decoration for your tree or a delightful gift for a friend.