Bee Money Smart

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Buzz over to this Kid Scoop issue and join our savvy honey bee who introduces money management and purchasing power for goods and services. Understanding the difference between goods and services will help make your budding economist a smarter consumer. Both goods and services respond to our wants and needs—but budgeting is important to make sure resources are invested wisely! Your community abounds with folks who provide work for others and objects available for purchasing. Helping your student discern “necessary items and help” from “desirable items and help” will make a better saver and spender. So give us a “buzz” and learn why it’s better not to “wing” it with finances!

In this issue young economists will:

  • read informational text about money
  • understand the difference between goods and services
  • identify local stores and occupations that specialize in goods or services
  • use the newspaper to locate examples of goods and services
  • calculate sums using a variety of coins of varying values
  • determine purchasing options with a given amount of money
  • locate “goods” or “services” ads in the news
  • create your own coupon for a good or a service
  • analyze personal interactions with local goods or services

7 page PDF