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Amelia Earhart: The Adventure of Flight
An Interview with Adam Rubin
Annie Christmas
Dorothy Butler Gilliam
Febold Feboldson
Frederick Douglass
Gelett Burgess: The Nonsense Expert
Hometown Hero: Tamika Catchings
Jackie Robinson
Jacques Cousteau
Jane Goodall
Jesse Owens
Katherine Johnson
Louisa May Alcott
Maria Mitchell
Marie Curie
Martin Luther King, Jr.: Day of Service
Martin Luther King, Jr.: Equality
Martin Luther King, Jr.: Freedom Fighter
Martin Luther King, Jr.: Rainbow Power
Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Power of Words
Mary Ann Shadd
Matthew Henson
Maya Angelou
Meet Amanda Gorman
Meet NASCAR’s Danica Patrick
Meet Poet Jack Prelutsky
Meet the Mounties
Monument Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Rosa Parks
Ruby Bridges
Sonia Sotomayor
Soul Surfer: Bethany Hamilton
Thank You, Charles Schulz
Tim Horton
Tom Sawyer
Uncle Sam
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