Columbus Day

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When Christopher Columbus set sail in 1492 seeking new routes to the Indies, he didn’t expect to “bump into” a whole new continent! For the rest of his life he did not realize that he had, in fact, reached a different continent as yet unknown to Europeans. Many years later explorers and mapmakers concurred that the Americas were, indeed, not Asia! Meanwhile, European explorers and native Americans began to trade goods sharing things neither side had seen before. Imagine native Americans seeing a chicken for the first time, or Europeans tasting tomatoes or chocolate from the Americas. The Age of Discovery included new tastes, sounds, sights and wonders. Join us as we explore together!

In this issue young explorers will:

  • Read expository text about Columbus and trade with the new world
  • Identify items traded between continents
  • Understand how fresh water was brought on board oceangoing vessels
  • Edit Columbus’s journey
  • Use the newspaper to explore your interests
  • Create a period newspaper of your own
  • Write creatively about your journey

6 page PDF