Fact checking is more important now than ever! With information readily available on the internet, it’s critical to understand the difference between facts and opinions. This issue serves up some delicious fun using cooking as the backdrop for learning the importance of facts when measuring ingredients. Recipes typically call for specific and carefully measured amounts, but grandpa might use a pinch of salt, a tad of milk, a dollop of cream, or a smidgen of sauce when whipping up his favorite dishes! Your chef will use critical thinking to learn about, identify, and create their own facts and opinions, and why knowing the difference makes a better reader.
In this issue students will:
- read about facts and opinions in the context of cooking
- understand the difference between a fact and an opinion
- identify facts and opinions in text
- determine facts and opinions about an ice cream sundae
- write factually about a classroom event
- locate facts and opinion in a newspaper ad
7 page PDF