Football Facts & Opinions

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Sports fans share plenty of opinions about their favorite teams. Opinions may be abundant and sincere, but they are a personal outlook, idea or viewpoint influenced by context, background, cultural perspective or biases. Facts, on the other hand, can be proven one way or another. While opinions vary from person to person, facts are measurable and either true or not true. This issue tackles facts and opinions in the context of one favorite fall sport—football. Learn some irrefutable facts about football, and discover how opinions can vary from fan to fan! Go Team!

In this issue sports fans will:

  • Read informational text about football
  • Differentiate between facts and opinions
  • Practice changing opinion statements into factual statements
  • Practice changing factual statements into opinion statements
  • Review headlines to determine if fact or opinion
  • Write facts and opinions after making an observation
  • Create opposite headlines
  • Write creatively about an amazing football halftime experience

6 page PDF