Get ready to join Dr. Jane Goodall on an expedition to Africa to live among chimpanzees. As a girl, Jane surrounded herself with books that inspired a dream career to research simians in the jungles of a far away continent. Discover what Jane discovered about how chimpanzees live, play, survive, and use tools to problem solve. Read closely to answer probing questions to determine how well you remember information in text, then take a trek of your own using a newspaper to locate hidden objects. Write about a woman who inspires you while dreaming of your future and where it may take you—maybe among the apes!
In this issue students will:
- read biographical informational text about Dr. Jane Goodall
- understand how Jane’s childhood impacted her career choice
- use context clues to fill in correct vocabulary
- learn about Jane’s discoveries through observation
- use a newspaper photo to practice your observation skills
- answer questions based on evidence in text
- write descriptively about a woman you admire
- use the newspaper for a scavanger hunt
7 page PDF