Killer Whales

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Ahoy, mateys! Climb aboard the Kid Scoop Whale Watching vessel as we venture on an ocean tour to learn more about this magnificent creature. Kids will have a whale of a time discovering killer whales, or “orcas”, in this special issue. Unique body structures from dorsal fins to ringed teeth enable this majestic ocean cruiser to survive and thrive. Discover why the orca wears a saddle, how young whales grow and develop in a pod and how killer whales disguise themselves with camo colors. This killer has no interest in people, but if you’re a seal, shark or fish—beware!

In this issue students will:

  • Read expository text about killer whales
  • Learn about physical structures that aid orca survival
  • Understand unique habitats and habits
  • Practice vocabulary terms specific to the whale family
  • Learn features that distinguish male from female
  • Calculate fishy sums
  • Use the newspaper to hunt for synonyms
  • Write creatively about a wild pet idea
  • Edit whale writing

6 page PDF