Presidents Day

Meet the Presidents

45 people have as served as President of the United States since George Washington first took the oath of office in 1789. This noble service deserves special recognition, but celebrating each president’s birthday would take up too many days in … Continue reading

Presidential Fun Facts

As the highest office in the land and a leadership position recognized worldwide, our American presidents have brought a range of talent, skills, ideas, personal preferences and lasting impact on the country they serve. This issue takes a closer look … Continue reading

Presidential Pets

Jump on board for some Presidents Day fun as Kid Scoop travels to the White House in Washington, D.C., to look at “First Family Pets” who also lived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. From silkworms to elephants to raccoons, pets both … Continue reading

Presidents’ Day

Honoring our nation’s leaders teaches young Americans about history, civics and the importance of democratic values. Abraham Lincoln and George Washington – two presidents who share February birthdays – are the focus of this red, white and blue issue. Their … Continue reading