A Trip Through Our Solar System
Grab your suitcase and spacesuit—it’s time to blast off with Woodward the Astronaut mascot on a trip through our solar system. Normally such a trip would take years to from start to end, but Kid Scoop and Woodward will make … Continue reading
A Universe of Stories
Zita the Spacegirl … From the Earth to the Moon … The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet … if these titles sound enticing, you may become a fan of science fiction—a branch of literature that combines imagination with alien … Continue reading
Animals in Space
Long before man took his first “small step” on the moon’s surface in 1969, space scientists and engineers experimented to ensure that space travel would be safe. How could they do this without using humans as test subjects? By using … Continue reading
Black Holes
Black holes? Are you thinking holes now come in different colors? Don’t be fooled by the topic of this issue that guides young explorers into deep space to discover facts about one of astrophysics’ most fascinating phenomenon. Black holes are … Continue reading
Blood Moon
Budding astronomers will hop onboard the Kid Scoop rocket ship and head to the moon. As our nearest orbiting body, the moon appears to grow, shrink, light up, disappear, and change colors as it shifts in space. One moon marvel … Continue reading
For thousands of years, mankind gazed at the night sky with fewer distractions. There was no artificial light from bulbs or street lamps to interfere with their perfectly splendid view of the heavens. These early stargazers were enchanted with the … Continue reading
Woodword continues his solar journey through the solar system, but this week lands on a familiar and friendly place—our Earth! There are plenty of things to appreciate about our home planet—the only one scientists have discovered, so far, that contains … Continue reading
Eclipse 2017
It’s the middle of a beautiful sunny day—and slowly the sun changes to a dark disk as the moon passes in front until the sun’s entire face is covered ringed by a glowing halo. Although ancient people were understandably terrified … Continue reading
Fireworks in Space
The 4th of July may only come once a year, but if you take some time and know where to look, you’ll discover that the night sky is full of nature’s fireworks! On any clear night you may glimpse sparkling … Continue reading
First Moon Walk
The year 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of a historic journey to our nearest celestial neighbor—the moon. In July 1969 three courageous space pioneers rode the first rocket ship specifically designed to take astronauts to the moon for a landing … Continue reading