Brrr … Scarlet Squirrel and her team of furry reporters need your help to share information about a snowstorm that’s buried Deersprings Valley! She’s looking for facts to relay the news about a local chipmunk family displaced by the weather. Help Scarlet zero in on the truth by separating facts and opinions in a friendly way to learn this important journalistic skill. Peruse articles to locate the answers to who, what, when, where, and why, then sort facts from opinions. Conduct your own survey to gather opinions and display results graphically. Punxsautawny Phil will introduce you to an entertaining American legend where you can form your own opinion. Try out your new skills by reporting on the news at your school. On your mark. Get set. Go!
In this issue students will:
- differentiate between fact and opinion
- analyze a newspaper article to locate who, what, when, where, & why
- conduct a simple survey
- display data in a bar graph
- use context clues to complete a Groundhog Day story
- read about a February tradition in Pauxsutawny, Pennsylvania
- locate facts and opinions in today’s news
- write about school news using newspaper format
- write an opinion piece citing facts and mail to the editor
7 page PDF