The Crane Wife

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Learning lessons from folktales, myths, and legends is one way to teach young readers how to behave towards others, how to understand nature, or how things might have come to be. “The Crane Wife” retells a Japanese tale about how a poor farmer’s kindness is repaid with an even greater act of friendship. But curiosity—a common human and animal characteristic—interferes, and trust is broken. Is it the crane or the farmer who breaks a special promise? How else could the story have ended if characters made different choices? What is the lesson learned? This tale will inspire a discussion about the importance of keeping your word—and the consequences that can happen when you don’t!

In this issue students will:

  • read a folktale from Japan
  • use context clues to select missing vocabulary
  • count by 2’s to connect dots
  • help a lost crane solve a maze
  • understand the message of a folktale
  • use five newspaper nouns to create a story
  • identify homophones
  • locate curious stories in the news
  • write your favorite summer jokes for a pal

7 page PDF