Being a great friend means being someone others can trust to be honest, kind, careful, and dependable. Building trust means takings time to make personal connections. Thoughtful and unselfish actions show others you are a person they can count on! This issue highlights the importance of trust and steps you can take to develop character so others will want to have you as a reliable and trustworthy friend. Learn how to take a “Trust Walk,” self-evaluate your level of trustworthiness, and describe ways you can build strong relationships with others. Along the way you’ll recognize the same traits in others that will make them trustworthy friends, too!
In this issue students will:
- read informational text about building and maintaining trusting relationships
- analyze situations to describe trustworthy responses
- learn how to take a “Trust Walk” with a pal
- describe why you are trustworthy
- take a self-review
- use the newspaper to locate adjectives that describe a trusted literary character
- play a “mirror” game
- write descriptively about a time you kept a promise
- write a letter to the editor about a local business you trust
7 page PDF