Valentine’s Day Crafts

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Hearts abound in this issue full of Valentine’s Day crafts to share with friends and family. A heart can be the body of a “hearty mouse,” a love bug and a butterfly pencil topper. Construction paper, items in the home and your guidance will provide hours of easy-to-do crafts that your Valentine will “love” to give. Enjoy and spread the happy!

In this issue, young crafters will:

  • Follow written and illustrated directions
  • Use a variety of media to create visual art
  • Use critical thinking to solve puzzles
  • Find similarities and differences in common objects
  • Research for happy pictures, words or articles in the news
  • Practice spelling
  • Create a Valentine’s Day dot-to-dot using the newspaper
  • Write a personal point-of-view essay about a favorite sport
  • Play a silly Valentine’s Day game with friends

7 page PDF