Just Plain Weird

Have Legs—Will Travel

According to the dictionary, the word millipede means: “Any terrestrial arthropod of the class Diplopoda, having a cylindrical body composed of 20 to more than 100 segments, each with two pairs of legs.”

But if you break down the word, mille means a thousand and pede means feet.

Biologists are now publishing details of the first true millipede. Apparently, up until now, the millipede with the most legs (or feet) had only 750. A new true millipede has been discovered with 1306 legs.

It was found by biologist, Dr. Bruno Buzatto, 196 ft (60m) down inside a drill hole where scientists were searching for minerals in Western Australia.

More were found in the same area and so were named Eumillipes Persephone after the Greek goddess of the underworld.

Millipedes have been around for 400 million years and are one of the great decomposers of soil. It is thought that there are over 2,000 different kinds of millipedes just in Australia. This particular species probably evolved with more legs to help it propel itself underground. More legs create a greater force for moving in the soil.