Cranberry Salsa
Work with an adult to make this delicious recipe together! Ingredients: With the help of an adult, chop each of the following: 1 cup fresh or frozen cranberries 1 red bell pepper 1 green bell pepper 1 chili pepper ½ … Continue reading
Banana NICE Cream

With an adult’s help, you can make this frozen, healthy treat! STUFF YOU’LL NEED: 4 cups frozen banana slices (about two bananas) 2-4 tablespoons unsweetened almond or another kind of milk MAKE IT! Place frozen banana slices and 2 tablespoons … Continue reading
Strawberry Mice

Here’s a simple and cute way to serve strawberries—one the kids will have fun making. The full step-by-step is at Kidspot Kitchen. Their ingredients include: strawberries black writing icing mini chocolate chips almond flakes raspberry licorice Swiss cheese With a … Continue reading
Fun Kid Foods
From Cooking with the Kids comes this inspired idea for a fun meal. So, all you need to do is slice the hot dog so that it has arms. The photo will help. Add some eyes and lay it on … Continue reading
Veggie Bug Snacks

This recipe would work for kids to make themselves at a party if you lay out all the ingredients or for a group who needs some fun snacks. The base is always a cut piece of celery filled with cream … Continue reading
Mini Cheese Ball Warm Fuzzies

Couldn’t resist these fuzzies from Hungry Happenings. They are made with cracker feet, olive eyes, rice noodle antennae and pepperoni heart as well as cream cheese and shredded cheese for the fur. Detailed step by step instructions are at the … Continue reading
Hot Chocolate Stirrers

After some fun time in the winter cold and snow, a hot chocolate is a winter treat. From Country Living comes this simple way to make this treat extra special. Continue reading
Christmas Recipes for Kids
The BBC’s goodfood website has a wonderful selection of 66 recipes for you to make and for your kids to help participate and decorate. Each recipe shows the time they take to make, the level of difficulty, some show the … Continue reading
Playing With Your Food
This article about Bill and Claire Wurtzel isn’t really a how-to but as you scroll down through the photographs, there’s some very clever ideas. If you look carefully, you can probably work out how they come together. And if you’re … Continue reading
Witches Hats and Broomsticks
From FunFoods, what could be better for your Halloween table than witches’ hats and broomsticks. This video shows you how to put these together using Hershey’s Kisses, Keebler Fudge Stripes, orange candy wafers, and for the broomsticks Reese’s Pieces and … Continue reading