Sales and Marketing Tips

How to Convert Advertisers into Year-Long Sponsors

by Ellen Creane

Selling space one blank spot at a time is tough. You’d much prefer the business buys for the whole year in the same spot. Read on …

The full-page Kid Scoop weekly youth feature is well known and published in more than 300 newspapers each week, each with a variety of long-term underwriting sponsors. But, do you know … Kid Scoop is available …

  • in different sizes
  • for print and/or online
  • on many different topics to suit different audiences and businesses
  • in Spanish and English
  • with tips for parents to use at home
  • with free resources for teachers to invigorate your education outreach program
  • And … we’ll work with you to create a custom Kid Scoop sponsorship plan for your newspaper.

You have many choices of Kid Scoop resources to persuade that local business, foundation, utility, individuals and community groups to become regular underwriting sponsors instead of one-off advertisers. Here they are:

Want a weekly commitment from toy stores and furniture stores? Choose Kid Scoop Junior for families with very young children.

Kid Scoop Junior is a weekly half-page feature for pre-school aged children. Kid Scoop Junior helps parents teach their children to spell their name, learn letters of the alphabet and beginning numbers. The newspaper becomes a learning tool at home and at pre-school. Great fun for the whole family!
Kid Scoop Junior

Need one Kid Scoop page for a first sale to a specific customer? Pick a Page!

We have it! Search our Kid Scoop archive for pages for car dealers, grocery stores, garden shops, landscapers, banks, pet stores, holidays, medical offices, hardware stores, utilities, etc. The banner gives your new advertiser prime space! After a taste of the value of these pages, you’ll be able to establish a year-long relationship. One local Burger King franchiser reports getting 300 of the coupons back each time he runs the page. He’s a year-long sponsor and says, “I’ll never stop advertising!”

Want to sell businesses who need to reach parents in Spanish, too?

We have the Kid Scoop weekly half-page available in Spanish and the weekly half-page in English.

Want to reach advertisers who value education?

Present Kid Scoop to advertisers—we call them sponsors—who want to help the community thrive by supporting schools. Kid Scoop has strong learning content that appeals to teachers. They use Kid Scoop in basic skills development as well as for its fun, motivating activities about geography, history, science and the Writing Corner. You’ll build customer loyalty as parents see their children’s work in print.

Teachers tell us their students cheer when your newspaper with Kid Scoop arrives in the classroom—because Kid Scoop is great fun, too! Free teacher guides accompany the Kid Scoop pages. And by the way, publishers receive letters from teachers, children, and parents describing how they use Kid Scoop with their children at home.

Use Kid Scoop to revitalize your Education Outreach Program (NIE). Publishers tell us Kid Scoop builds revenue, circulation, and customer loyalty.
Teacher Guide

FREE: Need a free Kid Scoop page to get more kids to wash their hands?

Check out our “Scrub Squad” page and the Kid Scoop “Coronavirus” pages. Show the educational value to the community and bring in health care businesses as year-long sponsors.
Scrub Squad

Kid Scoop offers customized resources to help you grow! Choose what makes sense for your community.