Tag Archives: bugs
Glow Worms and Fireflies
Get the scoop on fireflies and glow worms. Continue reading
Bees Hitching a Ride
Can you imagine dropping into the supermarket for 10 minutes and coming back to your car to find that 15,000 bees had taken up residence? Now is the time of year when bees swarm—looking for a new home to establish … Continue reading
Spiders Help Cool the Arctic

So, here’s an unusual chain of events—Arctic wolf spiders are getting larger. And as a result of the increased populations and increased population densities, the spiders have changed their eating habits. Wolf spiders were known to eat a fungus-eating arthropod … Continue reading
Petals Make Nests

Two discoveries, far apart and on the very same day identified species of bees that build their underground nests from petals and mud. In Turkey the female bees favor yellow, pink, blue and purple petals but in Iran, the rare … Continue reading
Watch as dragonflies go through their metamorphosis. Beautiful photography captures the special moments. Web Links Wings in MotionThis made for children video describes the different characteristics of dragonflies and shows in slow motion how their four wings move as they … Continue reading
Dung Beetles
Dung beetles are incredibly strong. Watch this video showing a dung beetle wrestling its ball of dung uphill and then burying it underground. With its larva inside, the dung provide sustenance for the emerging larva. Web Links The Dance of … Continue reading
Here’s everything you need to know about breeding crickets. This 10 minute film shows the life cycle of crickets from the female laying her eggs to the adult stage. Web Links MagicBox Cricket InfoA short video that describes different kinds … Continue reading
Beneficial Bugs
Navigate the ladybug through different garden mazes for some online fun. Web Links San Diego Zoo: LadybugsAll about these helpful, hungry insects. Nature’s AmazingA Youtube video of ladybugs with lots of fun facts and photographs. Praying MantisWatch this amazing video … Continue reading
Bug Defenses
In this game, first you build your bug then you add stuff to help your bug survive the swamp crossing. Web Links 10 Amazing TacticsBugs can be display some inventive ways to stay alive and escape predators. Some simple rely … Continue reading
The world outside the ant colony is rumored to have plentiful food. Figure out the best angle to launch the hero ant on the leaf sling so he will travel as far as possible. Web Links Amazing Ant FactsThis video … Continue reading