Tag Archives: thanksgiving
Holiday Science
In this fun science experiment, watch as a rubber glove is turned into a turkey and then inflated to the max! What will happen? Continue reading
Gobble Squabble
Get ready to play Gobble Squabble for Thanksgiving! Practice solving math problems. Continue reading
Do other countries celebrate Thanksgiving?
People around the world celebrate festivals of thanksgiving. While the celebrations look different around the world, one thing they have in common is the recognition of the importance of gratitude. Web Links Thanksgiving In China—Stories to TellChina has stories about … Continue reading
Listen to Giving Thanks: A Native American Good Morning Message
Thanksgiving is also harvest time — time to celebrate loved ones, enjoy the season and the traditions it brings. Continue reading
Thanksgiving Chain
Here’s a wonderful craft you can start at the beginning of November and then display at your Thanksgiving dinner. It’s simple and it engages all the family. First take construction papers in different colors and cut into even strips. Each … Continue reading
Make a Thankful Tree

The DIY Mommy has a craft for November that everyone can participate in and one that will have a special meaning during Thanksgiving. Follow the directions on the site to make leaves and a tree and have each member of … Continue reading
Clementine Pumpkins

Natural Sweet Recipes has a delightful recipe for Candied Clementine Pumpkins which could not only grace your Thanksgiving table, but they would also be deliciously tasty. The basic recipe needs only clementines and pretzels, but you can add honey to … Continue reading
The First Thanksgiving
We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and we are thankful for our readers everywhere. Enjoy this special time with children and enjoy some holiday crafts and activities. Continue reading
6 Easy Thanksgiving Recipes Kids Can Make

Here’s a variation on the turkey theme that even the youngest chefs can help create: 6 Easy Thanksgiving Recipes Kids Can Make Take Angela’s basic plan and encourage your children to design their own “turkey.” Let your children choose the … Continue reading
Paper Fan Turkey

This delightful Paper Fan Turkey is perfect for your Thanksgiving table and is easy to make with some parental guidance. Or you could make one for each place setting. A Girl and a Glue Gun has the full step-by-step instructions.