This Week in Kid Scoop

These “at home” activities connect with the Kid Scoop page published in this week’s newspaper in your area.

Facts About Potatoes

Whether you’re a fan of Mr./Mrs. Potato Head or you just can’t pass up a bag of chips, watch this video to learn some of the best Facts About Potatoes you probably didn’t know. Continue reading

Money Talks

Watch a video full of fun, sometimes funny, idioms and what they mean. Continue reading

Safe on the Playground

Spending time at the playground is a great way to have fun and get lots of exercise, too. But it’s important to keep safety on your mind at all times. How safe is your local playground? Continue reading

Make Recycled Paper

Learn how paper is made. Working together, student teams make their own paper. This activity introduces students to recycling: what it is, its value and benefits, and how it affects their lives. Continue reading

On the Fast Track

What is the fastest animal in the world? Which is the slowest? Which animals are faster than humans? Students use puzzles and brain power to find out the answers to these questions and more! Continue reading


Kid Scoop uses puzzles and games to teach good nutrition—eating habits that keep students healthy and help them feel great and do well in school. Continue reading


It is said that trust is something to be earned. What is trust and how is it earned? Continue reading

Summer Jobs for Kids

Play some games and learn about money and American history at the same time. Continue reading

How People Are Saving Hawaiian Monk Seals

Scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have discovered the reasons why the Hawaiian monk seals are endangered. They now have programs that protect the seals, and their numbers are growing. Continue reading


Written in English, Spanish and French, this site has some challenging games to play with a pencil in your hand. Print out the puzzles and then follow the directions. Solutions are given too. These puzzles are very challenging. Continue reading